‘Meditation is
a state of mind which looks at everything with
complete attention, totally, not just parts of it.’ J. Krishnamurti.

Yes, when it comes to our guided meditation, Steve seems
either unable or unwilling to ‘let go’, even to the extent of closing his eyes
and staying still for just a few seconds. He fidgets and constantly moves around in his
chair and is clearly uncomfortable at the thought of any form of
meditation, even meditation of the most naturalistic kind.
Perhaps the reason for Steve's 'resistance' is that, as a disciplined scientist, he always wants to
know and control. he is also a skeptic, which goes with the territory, so to speak. A good thing, skepticism. Doubt, not faith, is the name of the game. Steve relies entirely upon facts and evidence, that is, on what
he can see and know, and also on inferences and conclusions that can be drawn rationally
from the available evidence.
Now, I admire that, for I, too, am very much the empiricist.
I, too, reject supernatural, occult and all other unobservable explanations
of the otherwise observable conditions of existence. ‘The things that can be
seen, heard and learned are what I prize most,’ wrote Heraclitus. True, very
true, but meditation can indeed be ‘something’ that is seen, heard and learned.
Steve recently said to me, ‘I have trouble with mindfulness
meditation.’ I say to him, ‘Steve, you do
practise mindfulness all the time, but you don’t seem to realize it. Mindfulness
is paying attention, on purpose. It is being aware, including being aware of your awareness---and even your unawareness. Mindfulness is doing one thing at a
time, purposefully and knowingly---like when you're reading a scientific journal article which requires all of your focus, awareness and and attention. That is mindfulness, and you are engaged in a form of meditation more often than you think---even when you're driving your car or washing the dishes. You get my point, don’t you?’ Steve, ever the skeptic, begrudgingly answered,
‘Yes. I suppose I do.’
Many people have a terrible fear of ‘losing control’.
Ironically, a lot of these people are already ‘out of control’ in that their
lives are controlled by fears, phobias, addictions and compulsions that are
seemingly beyond their personal or conscious control. Now, one thing meditation
is not is this---it
is not ‘mind control’ in the sense of subjugation, sublimation or
suppression. Meditation is being choicelessly
(that is, non-judgmentally) aware of what is.
order to properly meditate you must go gently … and take
it easy. More importantly, the ‘effort’ involved in meditation is of a
relaxed albeit deliberate kind. It has been described as the ‘effort of
no-effort.’ ‘Resist not’ is the
important principle involved.
to Steve. I said to him, ‘When it comes to our group mindfulness, or your own
practice of it, you will never lose
control, go into some trance, or otherwise lose contact with external reality.
At any time you can cease your
meditation and go about your ordinary business.’ He seemed a bit happier, but I
don’t think I have fully convinced him. He’s a hard case, but I love him. He is
a man of integrity---and great intelligence. That may sound patronizing, but it’s
damn true.

‘Remember you don't meditate to “get” anything, but to
get “rid” of things. We do it, not with desire, but with letting go. If you “want”
anything, you won't find it.’
‘We practise to learn letting go, not to increase our
holding on. Enlightenment appears when you stop wanting anything.’
Krishnamurti [pictured top left] made a similar point when he
said, ‘Meditation is not a means to an end. It is both the means and the end.’
Letting go is never easy. All too often, we hold on to
things, including negative emotions and states of mind, that are making and
keeping us sick and unhappy. We get a perverse pleasure from being miserable.
Take charge---and let go.